Friday, January 20, 2017

Blog Moved

I'm a bit over a month into my blog and have decided to move it from Blogger to Word Press.

Why?  Because Word Press has more options and is MUCH easier to use on my phone and iPad.  Here's a link to the new location:

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I'm a nuun Ambassabor

I'm a 2017 nuun Ambassador!!!!  

In December, nuun sent out an email opening the application process to for their 2017 Ambassador program.  I've been a long time fan of nuun; it just works for me.  I've tried a multitude of products--from electrolyte/ salt tablets (which cause me to retain a lot of fluid) to sports drinks loaded with sugar and carbohydrates that never agreed with me (and now that I'm a Low Carb, High Fat runner, sugary sports drinks don't work for me at all.)  And I've never found a hydration solution as easy to use, tastes as good, and works so well as nuun.  

So I decided to apply to be an Ambassador.  

Before I go any further, let me explain what nuun is--in case you do not know.  nuun makes what I'd call a hydration solution.  nuun comes as an effervescent tablet that you drop into your water and let dissolve (I find it takes about 1-2 minutes to completely dissolve.)  There are four major types of nuun: nuun Active--one tablet makes 16 ounces of a 10 calorie, 1 carb, electrolyte replacement (sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium) drink.  nuun Energy which adds plant sourced (green tea) caffeine to the nuun Active to boost your energy when you need it.  nuun Vitamins has some important vitamins but not the electrolytes found in nuun Active and nuun Caffeine.  nuun Vitamins is made for every day, all day hydration--I like it because it gives my water a fizz and great flavor that helps me get in my daily water intake.  And finally, plus for nuun--a tablet you add to nuun Active or nuun Energy that adds "fuel" (carbohydrates.)


On Monday night, Dawn and I were on our way home from a puppy kindergarten class with Onyx and Joule--our Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies-- and I told her that I was hoping that nuun was going to notify me soon about my status into the program.  I opened my email, Dawn was driving, and there it was!  My Welcome to the nuuniverse email!  

That night I added my nuunbassabor badge to the blog, my Twitter, and Instagram.  I searched #nuunlife, #nuunbassador, and #nuun2017 on Twitter and read the happy tweets of my fellow Ambassadors.  I even started following them!!!  Yes, I am excited about the program!!

And here's why:

First, and I'll say it again, I love the product.  It tastes good, is easy to use (just drop a tablet in your water and let it dissolve,) and sits well on my stomach during a long, slow run in the hot summer.  nuun Vitamins is great to carry with me in my lunch box for all day hydration and has helped me kick my soda habit by supplying my water with some carbonation and flavor.  The tubes fit easily into my running vest, so carrying my electrolyte replacement is a breeze.  And there are so many flavors to chose from! Win.

Second, and this may be a continuation of my first point, but the product is all natural.  It's gluten free (I have Celiac disease) and the nuun Active and nuun Vitamins only have 10 calories per serving and 1 gram of carbohydrates.  This means nuun fits my Low Carb, High Fat lifestyle and I don't have to worry about it upsetting my gut.  Win. Win.

Third, being a nuunbassador gives my running a little something extra.  I love to talk about running. And as an "all things running geek," I thrive on discussing training, gear, products, etc. with people.  So promoting nuun is going to be a lot of fun for me--I love promoting the things I believe in!!!  Plus, the online community with the other Ambassadors gives me a forum to talk "all things running" outside of the few Facebook groups I belong and with the folks from Steel City Road Runners. Win. Win. Win.

And last, and most important, I like to help people.  As an outside salesman, my job is to provide solutions for my customers needs.  And since I love the running community and am an extrovert through and through, being out there at group runs, races, and on social media talking about how I use nuun and how it works so well for me may help someone else discover how great nuun is for them!!  I can help people find their hydration solutions too!! Win. Win. Win.Win.

So if you need to improve your hydration, click on the 2017 Ambassador Badge above and check out nuun.  You'll be glad you did!!

By the way, I'm a bit excited about being a nuun Ambassador... 

I run for my life!  What do you run for?

Saturday, January 7, 2017

My Goals for 2017

January brings on the "New Year, New You."  It's a fresh start to most folks lives.  Resolutions are made, goals are set, and people start the year off with the best intentions and strong determination to improve themselves in one way or another.  And we all want to become better.  But, what's sad is that according to Statistic Brain's numbers, only 9.2% of people end up saying they were successful with their resolutions!  That's a crazy low number.

I've been guilty of the "New Year, New Me" resolution and ended up in failure.  I've also succeeded in my resolutions to only fail at them later in life (like loosing a lot of weight in 2008 to only put it back on by 2015.)  But, I've also learned that I need to make my resolutions more attainable-- or more important, more specific.  It's not ok to say, "I want to lose weight,"  It needs to be, "I want to lose 20 pounds this year,"  And according to Denny Krahn, aka Diz Runs, goals are more likely to be achieved if you write them down, share them with other people, discuss them with people on a regular basis, and be consistent in your actions to achieve them. (Denny's DizRuns Radio: Episode 358 explains more.) 

So, I'm making my goals specific and attainable.  I'm making them public on my blog, so I have some accountability, and I actually wrote them down on paper!!!  So, here's my list of goals and how I hope to achieve them.

  1. Run 1,500 Miles in 2017
    • I ran a little over 1,200 miles in 2016, so keeping up with my training program (which increased as 2016 progressed) should take me to 1,500 miles and beyond.  I don't want to make the mileage too high for fear that I'll obsess over the number and run until I'm injured!
  2. Run a PR in the Pittsburgh Marathon
    • This is a very attainable goal!!  I ran Pittsburgh in 2010 and bombed.  I went in poorly hydrated, a little under trained, and my race fueling/hydration fell apart.  I ended up running it in 5:47:41.  By keeping up with my training plan (there's a calendar of my plan here,) I'm sure I can beat that time.  I'd really like to run 4:30 or under (my marathon PR is 4:39:43.)
  3. Run a 50K PR 
    • I'm registered for the Buckeye Trail 50K on July 8th.  This will be my second BT50K and my third 50K ever.  I need to break 9:40 to achieve this goal.  I'm 75 pounds lighter (as I type this) than I was when I set that PR, so this should be VERY attainable; however, it's Ohio in July!  I would like to run it in 7 hours or less.
  4. Run my First 50 Mile Event
    • I'm looking at the Stone Mill 50 in November for my first 50 miler.  I have my calendar marked for when registration opens.  Only goal is to finish in the allotted 13 hours.
  5. Cross Train:
    • I NEED to add core training and weights to my regular schedule.  I have weights in my basement and it shouldn't be hard to take 15 minutes, 3 days a week, to do some basic weight lifting (bench press, squats, dead lifts, over head presses, curls, rows, pull downs, and triceps extensions.)  I don't have to do all of the exercises everyday, but putting them into a 3 day plan would be GREAT!  And, I could do some planks, side planks, bird dogs, etc. almost every night before bed.  Just need to make myself do it!
  6. Learn New Bagpipe Tunes:
    • Not running related, but I have been wanting to learn a few jigs, reels, and marches to be able to play at weddings.  I also would like to learn a few more tunes to be able to play at funerals.  If I can become more confident with my playing and build a better tune selection, I can make some money playing.  Picking a few tunes and working on them during my luch hour (on the practice chanter) will get me where I want to be.  And that means more running shoes, race entries..... 
  7. Get My Dogs Ready for Obedience Trials:
    • I've been training Auto in obedience for two years.  He's almost ready to step into the obedience show ring, but I have to build his confidence a little more.  I just need to work with him a little more and we'll be good to go.  Continuing going to dog classes and adding a little training during the week will get us there.  Onyx is 4 month old now.  I'll start showing her in Conformation in a few weeks; however, I want to keep up her obedience training as well and have her ready to start trialing by the summer of 2018.
  8. Maintain this Blog
    • Doesn't sound too hard?  Just have to make sure I keep up with it!

And there they are.  My 2017 goals and ambitions.  Publicly announced!  Now, to go work on them!!!