Wednesday, December 7, 2016

An Introduction

Just what the world needs--another blog! (I'm sure there are a lot of folks that start their first entry just like this!)

I've tried my hand at blogging before, and after a few moths, weeks, or in one case days, I stopped writing.  I felt as though I didn't have an audience.  I felt as though what I was writing about wasn't important.  And I quite.

My goal with BradRuns is to share my running life, thoughts, and experiences.  I also train and show a few of our Chesapeake Bay Retrievers (a hobby I share with my wife) and my passion (outside of running) is playing the bagpipes--yes the bagpipes!  I'm not a professional piper by any means, but I am the president of our band and enjoy playing and the social aspect of our group.

One of the main reasons I'm starting this blog is to help me express myself.  I'm a very outgoing guy that teeters on an extreme extrovert.  I also have a very addictive personality and have traded one addiction for another many times in my life.  No, I've never been a drug addict or alcoholic.  In fact, I've never even tried illegal drugs; I also know that with my personality type, alcohol could be a very dangerous path--so I don't drink very often.  My addictions have come in the form of chewing tobacco, running (which I'll explain later,) and various other short lived hobbies.  It seems that I develop an interest in something and throw myself into it so far that I become addicted and have a hard time focusing on other things.  These types of behaviors are something that I have had professional help with and I'll end up sharing some of that in future posts.

I also have ADHD.  Yeah, I know, who doesn't?  But mine has been diagnosed through testing by a qualified professional--not a Buzzfeed quiz.  It's something I'm medicated for and the medication helps.  But so does running.  It's amazing how the endorphins created on the run help me focus throughout the day.

Depression is yet another cliche we read about so many times with runners.  And if you haven't really experienced real depression--the kind that borders on, or is, debilitating to your life-- I can tell you it's very hard.  Something that can lead to horrible thoughts about yourself and how the world sees you.  Again, something I've dealt with for years.  I'm in and out of depressive states.  Something I've also sought help.  Something that I need help.  And beyond medication, antidepressants don't work for me, endurance activities are often prescribed by doctors to help create dopamine in the brain and help you work your way back to a non-depressive state.  I'm not a doctor, but I can tell you it helps me.

As time progresses, and I feel more comfortable sharing, I'll end up talking about all of these things.  I'm planning of keeping the focus of the blog on running and how it's helping me.  I may through in a review of a running related product, a race recap, or just some thoughts and training log type posts.  I'll most likely share about my dogs (we don't have children, so they are our children.) and maybe a little about my piping and the band.

It's going to be fun. And I'm pledging to myself to write frequently.  At least once a month, if not more.

And if you read this, thank you.

I run for my life; I move to live.

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