Saturday, December 31, 2016

My 2016 Year in Review

My 2016 in review:

1. Had a health scare at the beginning of the year with high liver enzymes and a very active bladder. Required a colonoscopy and a bladder scope to find nothing wrong (thank goodness!). Also had an endoscopy at the sane time to check on the damage from my Celiac disease and learned I still had some damage and I need to be more careful. Dawn was there for me.

2. Had some financial hardships that come with our economy today. Dawn and I got through them together.

3. Went to Disney with my in-laws and had so much fun with Dawn.

4. Watched Luau's DM progress throughout the year. Felt his strength as he never gave up. Dawn and I cried together. And I lost a huge piece of me (strange as it may sound, Luau helped me through one of the worst depression bouts of my life) when Mellissa came to the house and did the last nice thing for him and helped him across the Rainbow Bridge. Dawn and I cried and she still cries with me when I think about him.

5. Watched our country (and my friends) become very divided and animated over our political issues. Dawn and I discussed these issues as well.

6. Spent as many days and nights camping with Mellissa, Dave, Walt, and Carol. Enjoyed our fun times around the campfire. Smiled and loved the few nights that Katherine, Renae, and Erika spent with us. These trips started with Dawn and I packing the camper and ended with us unpacking the camper together.

8. Kimber had a litter of puppies, and even though they were A LOT of work (as all litters are,) I enjoyed every minute of them. And, I fell in love with one of the puppies we had at the end and Dawn, against her better judgement, registered her to me (and her, we co-own our dogs) while I was out on a training run because she saw my love for Onyx and how she was helping me through the loss of Luau.

9. I started running again and signed up, trained, and ran the Erie Marathon in September. My first marathon in almost 6 years. Then, I registered for the Pittsburgh Marathon in May of 2017 and the Buckeye Trail 50K in July of 2017. And now I'm looking for my first 50 mile ultra next fall. She thinks I'm crazy, but Dawn has and is supporting me with every step.

10. I've struggled to keep my weight off in 2016, and I did gain about 30 of the 177 pounds back, but I call that a huge success! I was able to do it because of the support and kind words Dawn has and her ability to make me want to continue to succeed.

11. Every morning started with Dawn by my side, or a call or text from each other when we were away. Each night ended with Dawn by my side, or a call or text to each other when we were away.

2016 definitely had a bunch of bad moments and struggles, but focusing on the positives makes me kind of forget them. And, if you notice the theme of my 2016, I'm damn lucky that I found the love of my life--Dawn's always there for me and I'll always be there for her.

Life is a great adventure when you get to make that journey with your best friend.

Here's to a healthy and prosperous 2017!!

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